WACUBO 4-Part Series Workshop Update

Mike Clune
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
University of California, San Francisco

During December, WACUBO hosted the first two sessions of a four-part Zoom-based strategy and leadership program titled The Future of Higher Education – Shaping Your Institution and Leaders Through and After the Pandemic. More than 70 CBOs/CFOs and other leaders from 50 institutions across the WACUBO region participated in the sessions.

These first two sessions were led by Dr. Paul Friga, professor of strategy at UNC-Chapel Hill and Vice President of Strategy at ABC Insights. During the first session, Paul was joined by WACUBO President and New Mexico State University Strategic Chief Financial Officer, Ruth Johnston, for a discussion of strategy development and his framework four P’s: Position, Priorities, Performance and Payments. Rebecca Barber, Associate Vice President for Financial Planning, Budget and Analysis at UNLV joined Paul for the second session, which focused on the use of data and benchmarking in strategy execution. The 1.5-hour sessions were both followed by open discussion for which most participants stayed. 

Two more sessions will be offered in January, led by Howard Teibel of Teibel Education Consulting. The conversation will shift to leadership—as Howard said in the last meeting, the strategy sessions were about what we need to do, while the leadership sessions will focus on how we need to be. Howard will be joined by Lupe Valencia-Skanes, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs at The University of Texas at El Paso and Third Vice President of WACUBO, for the next session, focusing on cultivating leadership competencies. The final session will focus on diversity and inclusion as a strategic imperative, and Howard will be joined by Stefanie K. Johnson, Associate Professor of Management at the University of Colorado Boulder and a researcher focused on the intersection of leadership and diversity.

WACUBO was able to pull this program together very quickly this fall, thanks to the time and energy volunteered by the speakers. The strong participation from WACUBO members, despite the pandemic's impacts on workload, speaks to both the content being provided and the strong desire for opportunities to share experiences and engage with colleagues across institutions.

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