Meet the Speakers

2024 Virtual Workshop | Higher Education Accounting & Reporting

Brian Thomason, Vice President for Finance, Chapman University

Brian Thomason is Vice President for Finance at Chapman University. He earned a BBA in Finance from Abilene Christian University and his MBA in Finance from Auburn University.  Brian is a Certified Public Accountant and has taught as an Adjunct Professor of Accounting and Finance at Pepperdine and at Chapman. He previously worked as an Executive Director at JP Morgan, Associate Vice President and Controller at Pepperdine University, and Manager of Financial Planning and Reporting at Abilene Christian University. He serves as Executive Vice President of the BMW Car Club of America, Treasurer of St. Johns Episcopal Church in Gg Harbor, WA and is a member of the Board of Global Samaritan Resources in Abilene, TX. 



Michael D. Baumert, CPA, Assistant Vice President and Controller, Arizona State University

Michael D. Baumert is Assistant Vice President and Controller at Arizona State University and is responsible for operational accounting, financial reporting, tax, capital assets management, payroll and data management services for the University. Tasked with coordinating the annual financial and federal single audits for the University and serving on multiple University committees and working groups, he is a valued functional partner among his University peers on high-profile and sensitive University transactions.

He received his Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Arizona State University in 2006 and his BS in Accounting and BA in Political Science from Miami University in 2003. He began his professional career with the Arizona Office of the Auditor General as a financial auditor prior to joining the Arizona State University Financial Services office in 2012. Since that time he has held progressively more responsible leadership positions within Financial Services.

He is an active Certified Public Accountant licensed in the state of Arizona and a member of and serves on various boards and committees including the Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars Academy and the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants. He teaches higher education and finance workshops with the Western Association of College and University Business Officers (WACUBO) and is a regular presenter in academic classrooms and at higher education forums.


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